


1985-1989        武汉大学,细胞生物学学士

1990-1996       美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校,细胞及分子生物学博士

1997-2000     美国耶鲁大学,免疫学博士后

2000-2004     美国华盛顿大学医学院,助理教授 

2004-2013        美国德克萨斯大学安德森肿瘤中心,终身讲席教授,炎症与肿瘤中心主任

2013-                 清华大学医学院教授,副院长




1.    T淋巴细胞分化与功能 

2.      细胞因子在炎症中的功能与信号传导

3.      免疫耐受和肿瘤免疫 


  1. Yang, X. O., Zhang, H., Kim, B.-S., Niu, X., Peng, J., Chen, Y., Kerketta, R., Lee, Y.-H., Chang, S. H., Corry, D. B., Wang, D., Watowich, S. S., and Dong, C. Cytokine-induced SH2 protein (CIS) critically controls pro-allergic T cell development and allergic airway inflammation. (2013) Nature Immunology. 14: 732–740.
  2. Zhong, B., Liu, X., Wang, X., Chang, S. H., Liu, X., Wang, A., Reynolds, J. M. and Dong, C. Negative regulation of IL-17-mediated signaling and inflammation by ubiquitin-specific protease 25. (2012) Nature Immunology. 13:1110–1117.
  3. Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, X. O., Nurieva, R. I., Chang, S. H., Ojeda, S. S., Kang, H. S., Schluns, K. S., Gui, J., Jetten, A. M. and Dong, C. The transcription of the Il17 and Il17f genes is controlled by conserved non-coding sequence (CNS) 2. (2012) Immunity. 36:23–31.
  4. Chang, S. H., Reynolds, J. M., Pappu, B. P., Chen, G., Martinez, G. J. and Dong, C. Regulation of TH17 cell responses and autoimmune disease by IL-17C/IL-17RE. (2011) Immunity. 35:611-621.
  5. Nurieva, R. I., Chung, Y., Martinez, G. J., Yang, X. O., Tanaka, S., Matskevitch, T. D., Wang, Y. H., Dong, C. Bc1-6 mediates the development of T follicular helper cells. (2009) Science. 325:1001-1005.
  6. Nurieva, R., Yang, X. O., Martinez, G., Zhang, Y., Panopoulos, A. D., Ma, L., Schluns, K., Tian, Q., Watowich, S. S., Jetten, A. M. and Dong, C. Essential autocrine regulation by IL-21 in the generation of inflammatory T cells. (2007) Nature. 448: 480-483.
  7. Park, H., Li, Z., Yang, X. O., Chang, S. H., Nurieva, R. I., Wang, Y.-H., Wang, Y., Hood, L., Zhu, Z., Tian, Q., and Dong, C. A distinct lineage of TH cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing IL-17. (2005) Nature Immunology. 10: 1133-1142.


Chen Dong

Professor, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University

Professor and Vice Dean , School of Medicine, Tsinghua University

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