
沈沁,教授, 博士生导师


2001年    博士PhD,         Albany Medical College, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience

1999年    硕士MS,          Albany Medical College, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience

1991年    学士 BS,         上海医科大学药学院药理专业    


2010   教授, 清华大学

2007  助理教授, 纽约神经干细胞研究所

2006  助理教授, 美国Albany医学院神经药理和神经科学中心

2001-2006年 博士后研究员,美国Albany医学院神经药理和神经科学中心

1991-1996年 助教和助理研究员, 上海医科大学(现复旦大学上海医学院)神经生物教研组, 医学神经生物学国家重点实验室   

将利用细胞生物学, 分子生物学以及活体细胞和组织影像技术, 结合多种体内和体外神经干细胞研究模型,研究神经干细胞在正常脑内的的发生和发育及其与微环境的相互影响, 神经干细胞自我更新和分化潜能的分子机理, 以及神经干细胞在发育性神经系统疾病和神经系统损伤疾病的再生修复功能, 并研究神经干细胞和血管内皮细胞相互调控在脑肿瘤形成中的作用. 实验室还将以人体ES细胞和IPS细胞神经诱导的模型研究形成各种神经细胞的最佳细胞培养方案和神经系统疾病的发生机制. 

部分发表的论文、著作 (*通讯作者)

  1. Chuang, S.M., Wang, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, K.M., Shen Q*. (2011) Ebf2 Marks Early Cortical Neurogenesis and Regulates the Generation of Cajal-Retzius Neurons in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Dev Neurosci. 33(6):479-93
  2. Erzsebet, K., Goderie, S., Wang, Y., Lin, G., Roysam, B., Shen, Q., Temple, S. (2010) Adult SVZ lineage cells home to and leave the niche via differential responses to SDF1/CXCR4 signaling.  Cell Stem Cell 7(2):163-173
  3. Shen, Q.* and Temple, S. (2009) Fine control: microRNA regulates adult neurogenesis. Nature Neurosci. 12 (4): 369-370
  4. Slater, J.L., Landman, K.A., Hughes, B.D., Shen, Q., Temple, S. (2009) Cell lineage tree models of neurogenesis. J Theor Biol. 256(2):164-79. Epub 2008 Oct 15.
  5. Kokovay, E., Shen, Q., Temple, S. (2008) The incredible elastic brain: how neural stem cells expand our minds. Neuron 60(3):420-9.
  6. Shen, Q., Wang, Y., Kokovay, E., Lin, G., Chuang, S.M., Goderie, S.K., Roysam, B., Temple, S. (2008) Adult SVZ stem cells lie in a vascular niche: a quantitative analysis of niche cell-cell interactions. Cell Stem Cell 3(3):289-300.
  7. Shen, Q.*, Wang, Y., Dimos, J.T., Fasano, C.A., Phoenix, T.N., Lemischka, I.R., Ivanova, N.B., Stifani, S., Morrisey, E.E., Temple, S. (2006) The timing of cortical neurogenesis is encoded within lineages of individual progenitor cells. Nature Neurosci. 9(6):743-51
  8. Al-Kofahi, O., Radke, R.J., Goderie, S.K., Shen, Q., Temple, S., Roysam, B. (2006) Automated cell lineage construction: a rapid method to analyze clonal development established with murine neural progenitor cells. Cell Cycle 5(3):327-35.
  9. Shen, Q., Goderie, S., Jin, L., Karanth, N., Sun, Y., Abramova, N., Vincent, P., Pumiglia, K., Temple, S. (2004) Endothelial cells stimulate self-renewal and expand neurogenesis of neural stem cells. Science 304:1338-1340
  10. Li, H.S., Wang, D., Shen, Q., Schonemann, M.D., Gorski, J.A., Jones, K.R., Temple, S., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. (2003) Inactivation of Numb and Numblike in embryonic dorsal forebrain impairs neurogenesis and disrupts cortical morphogenesis. Neuron 40(6):1105-18.
  11. Shen, Q. and Temple, S. (2002) Creating asymmetric cell divisions by skewing endocytosis.  Science STKE. (162):PE52.
  12. Shen, Q., Zhong, W., Jan, Y.N., and Temple, S. (2002) Asymmetric m-Numb distribution is critical for asymmetric cell division of mouse cerebral cortical progenitor cells.  Development 129:4843-4853.
  13. Atluri, P., Fleck, M.W., Shen, Q., Mah, S.J., Stadfelt, D., Barnes, W., Goderie, S.K., Temple, S., Schneider, A.S. (2001) Functional Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression in stem and progenitor cells of early embryonic mouse cerebral cortex.  Dev. Biol. 240(1):143-56.
  14. Qian, X., Shen, Q., Goderie, S., He, W., Capela, A.M., and Temple, S. (2000) Timing of CNS cell generation: a programmed sequence of neuron and glial cell production from isolated murine cortical cells. Neuron 28:69-80. co-first author
  15. Qian, X., Goderie, S., Shen, Q., Stern, J. H. and Temple, S. (1998) Intrinsic programs of patterned cell lineages in isolated vertebrate CNS ventricular zone cells.  Development 125:3143-3152
  16. Shen, Q., Qian, X., Capela, A. and Temple, S. (1998) Stem cells in the embryonic cerebral cortex: Their role in histogenesis and patterning.  J. of Neurobio. 36:162-174

Book Chapter:”Cell Biology of Neuronal Progenitor Cells” in Developmental Neuroscience: A Comprehensive Reference (editors: John Rubenstein and P. Rakic)


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