
刘晓 博士
博士生导师, “青年千人计划”获得者

1994       南京大学生物系   学士
1997       北京大学细胞遗传系 硕士
2005       约翰霍普金斯医学院生物物理系 博士
2011                      斯坦福大学发育生物学系 博士后
2012-至今            清华大学 生命科学学院 PI 

实验室主要通过开发和利用高通量实验技术,从功能基因组学和系统生物学角度,主要以线虫神经系统为模型,研究细胞命运决定和进化的分子机制 。


  1. Li, Y., Zhao, D., Horie, T., Chen, G., Bao, H., Chen, S., Liu. W., Horie, R., Liang, T., Dong, B., Feng, Q., Tao, Q., and Liu, X. A Conserved Gene Regulatory Module Specifies Lateral Neural Borders Across Bilaterians (submitted)
  2. Liu, W., Yu, E., Chen, S., Ma., X., Lu, Y., and Liu, X. (2017). Spatiotemporal expression profiling of long intervening noncoding RNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific Reports (revised)
  3. Wei, X., Xu, Z., Wang, G., Hou, J., Ma., X., Liu, H., Liu., J., Chen, B., Luo, M., Xie, B., Li, R., Ruan, J. and Liu, X. (2017). pBACode: a random-barcode-based high-throughput approach for BAC paired-end sequencing and physical clone mapping. Nucleic Acids Research (accepted)
  4. Ma, X., Zhan, G., Sleumer, M.C., Chen, S., Liu, W., Zhang, M.Q., and Liu, X. (2016). Analysis of C. elegans muscle transcriptome using trans-splicing-based RNA tagging (SRT). Nucleic Acids Research 44, e156
  5. Aerni, S.J., Liu, X., Do C.B., Gross, S.S., Nguyen, A., Guo, S.D., Long, F., Peng, H., Kim, S.K. and Batzoglou, S.(2013) Automated cellular annotation for high-resolution images of adult Caenorhabditis elegans. Bioinformatics 29, i18-i26
  6. Liu, X., Long, F., Peng, H., Aerni, S.J., Jiang, M., Sánchez-Blanco A., Murray. J.I., Preston, E., Mericle, B., Batzoglou, S., Myers, G., and Kim, S.K. (2009). Analysis of cell fate from single-cell gene expression profiles in C. elegans. Cell 139: 623 - 633
  7. Liu, X., C.K. Lee, N.D. Clarke, and J.D. Lieb (2006) Quantification of chromatin contributions to DNA-binding site utilization. Genome Research 16: 1517 – 1528
  8. Liu, X., Noll, D.M., Lieb, J.D., and Clarke, N.D. (2005) DIP-chip: Rapid and accurate determination of DNA-binding specificity. Genome Research 15: 421 – 427

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E-mail: xiaoliu@hotmail.com

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