
邓海腾  博士



1985    武汉大学   学士     

1988    武汉大学    硕士     

1996    Pennsylvania State University      博士

University of Alberta                    博士后

Oak Ridge National Laboratory    博士后



1/2000-12/2001 讲师,发育生物学系,爱因斯坦医学院

12/2001-7/2003 助理教授,医学系,爱因斯坦医学院

8/2003-12/2003 助理教授,内布拉斯加大学

1/2004-7/2009   研究助理教授,洛克菲勒大学

9/2009-2/2011   研究副教授和蛋白质组中心主任,洛克菲勒大学

9/2008-Present  客座研究员,纽约大学

3/2011-Present  客座教授,洛克菲勒大学

3/2011-Present  教授,清华大学



The New York Academy of Science; The American Chemical Society; The American Society for Mass Spectrometry



发展和应用蛋白质组学、代谢组学和化学生物学的技术和方法。研究氧化还原生物学在衰老和疾病中的功能和作用机制。研究病原微生物-宿主细胞的相互作用。 发现和鉴别癌症早期诊断的标记物并研究蛋白质药物的修饰和作用机制。



  1. Liu, Z. L.; Hu, Y. D.; Wang, H. L.; Liu, C. D.; Wang, Q. T.; Deng, H. T.* Hydrogen peroxide mediated mitochondrial UNG1-PRDX3 interaction and UNG1 degradation. Free Radic Biol Med 2016, 99, 54-62.
  2. Gong, Y.; Zhang, L.; Li, J.; Feng, S.; Deng, H.* Development of the Double Cyclic Peptide Ligand for Antibody Purification and Protein Detection. Bioconjug Chem 2016, 27 (7), 1569-73.
  3. Tang, H.; Chen, Y.; Liu, X.; Wang, S.; Lv, Y.; Wu, D.; Wang, Q.; Luo, M.; Deng, H.* Downregulation of HSP60 disrupts mitochondrial proteostasis to promote tumorigenesis and progression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 2016 Jun 21;7(25):38822-38834.
  4. Huo, Y.; Zheng, Z.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Deng, H.* Downregulation of vimentin expression increased drug resistance in ovarian cancer cells. Oncotarget 2016. Jul 19;7(29):45876-45888.
  5. He, L.; Nair, M. K.; Chen, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, M.; Hazlett, K. R.; Deng, H.*; Zhang, J. R. The Protease Locus of Francisella tularensis LVS Is Required for Stress Tolerance and Infection in the Mammalian Host. Infect Immun 2016, 84 (5), 1387-402.
  6. Liu, Z.; Hu, Y.; Liang, H.; Sun, Z.; Feng, S.; Deng, H.* Silencing PRDX3 Inhibits Growth and Promotes Invasion and Extracellular Matrix Degradation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. J Proteome Res 2016, 15 (5), 1506-14.
  7. Jiang, X.; Feng, S.; Chen, Y.; Feng, Y.; Deng, H.* Proteomic analysis of mTOR inhibition-mediated phosphorylation changes in ribosomal proteins and eukaryotic translation initiation factors. Protein Cell 2016, 7 (7), 533-7.
  8. Tang, H.; Li, J.; Liu, X.; Wang, G.; Luo, M.; Deng, H.* Down-regulation of HSP60 Suppresses the Proliferation of Glioblastoma Cells via the ROS/AMPK/mTOR Pathway. Sci Rep 2016, 6, 28388.
  9. Tang, H.; Wang, X.; Xu, L.; Ran, X.; Li, X.; Chen, L.; Zhao, X.; Deng, H.*; Liu, X. Establishment of local searching methods for orbitrap-based high throughput metabolomics analysis. Talanta 2016, 156-157, 163-71.
  10. Wang, X.; Tang, H.; Chen, Y.; Chi, B.; Wang, S.; Lv, Y.; Wu, D.; Ge, R.; Deng, H.* Overexpression of SIRT3 disrupts mitochondrial proteostasis and cell cycle progression. Protein Cell 2016, 7 (4), 295-9.
  11. Hong Qu, Yuling Chen, Haiteng Deng*, Zhenyu Zhang, Identification and Validation of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Epithelial Ovarian Cancers Using Quantitative Proteomics, Oncotarget, 2016 Dec 13;7(50):83187-83199.
  12. Gu L, Chen Y, Wang QT, Li X, Mi K, Deng H. *, Functional Characterization of Sirtuin-like Protein in Mycobacterium smegmatis. J Proteome Res. 2015;14(11):4441-9.
  13. Feng S, Chen Y, Yang F, Zhang L, Gong Y, Adilijiang G, Gao Y, Deng H*. Development of a Clickable Probe for Profiling of Protein Glutathionylation in the Central Cellular Metabolism of E. coli and Drosophila. Cell Chem Biol. 2015 Nov 19;22(11):1461-9.
  14. Lixu Jin, Zhiguo Zheng, Xiaoyong Jiang, Yi Huo, Haiyun Deng, Yuling Chen, Qingquan Lian, Renshan Ge, Haiteng Deng*, Down-regulation of Rab 5C-dependent Endocytosis and Glycolysis in Cisplatin-resistant Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2014, Nov;13(11):3138-51.
  15. Yadong Hu, Helin Wang, Renhua Xu, Qingtao Wang, Haiteng Deng*, NAD-Mediated Protein Expression, Cell Proliferation, and Responses to Oxidative Stress, Journal of Proteome Research, 2014 Feb 7; 13(2):786-95.     
  16. Shan Feng, Lei Zhang, Gulishana Adilijiang, Jieyuan Liu, Haiteng Deng*, Substrate Profiling of Glutathione S-transferase with Engineered Enzymes and Matched Glutathione Analogues, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2014 Jul 7;53(28):7149-53.



J-R Zhang, MG Marinus, H Deng, Methylation and other Modifications of Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2015 Elsevier Inc.

Amanda Chen, Haiqiang Yu, Haiteng Deng and W. Beau Mitchell, Mechanisms of αIIbβ3 Biogenesis in the Megakaryocyte: A Proteomics Approach in Hematology - Science and Practice, Edited by Charles H. Lawrie, ISBN 978-953-51-0174-1, Publisher: InTech, March 02, 2012 DOI: 10.5772/2259.

Haiteng Deng, Proteomics in Drug Discovery in Handbook of Drug Screening, R. Seethala, Eds, Informa Healthcare, May 2009.

Denis L. Rousseau, David Li, Eric Y. Hayden, Haiteng Deng and Syun-Ru Yeh, Protein-ligand interactions in mammalian nitric oxide synthase, in THE SMALLEST BIOMOLECULES: DIATOMICS AND THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH HEME PROTEINS, Abhik Ghosh, Eds, Elsevier, Dec 2007.



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